Let’s talk hygiene.

Hey guys,

Maybe it’s the lunar eclipse energies or the solar eclipse energies still lingering. But I have been feeling….like this immense need to let go, to cry it out or to just sit and stare into nothing. Have you ever felt that? No? Yes? Confused? I feel you. I do. And that is why I wanted to talk about hygiene. To throw away the riffraff and to take care of our needs, and understand ourselves better. What about hygiene, you ask?

While, yes, our bodies and our physical environment does affect us at every level, the fact remains that we are not aware of this very minor, small, tiny fact. That’s why most rituals start with ‘taking a ritual bath’ or a cleansing bath’. The purer, simpler, and freer our physical embodiment is, the freer we feel on the inside. 

But more than that, what I want to talk about and pay emphasis upon is our mental and emotional hygiene. You don’t understand, you say? Let me be your guide on this then. 

You know the importance of bathing, brushing your teeth, washing your clothes regularly. You are aware of the importance of vacuuming or cleaning your home, throwing away all the garbage, all the things that are broken or doesn’t work. Right? Because you are aware that you need to clean your home. If for nothing else, then for ‘what will neighbors think if they drop in unannounced’. Though, if you’re subscribed to me and are reading this, then I am hoping your cleaning your spaces is not for the aforementioned reason. :) 

Just like your body needs hygiene and hygienic rituals and processes, so do our thoughts and emotions. There are others that may judge your physical hygiene levels if you turn up shabby and unshowered with a body odour to send a skunk into hiding. However, for your thoughts and emotions, you are the only judge and executioner. Maybe that’s why it isn’t a much talked about thing. 

Remember that garbage we talked about that you throw out of your home every day? Our garbage thoughts and emotions need to be dealt with similarly too. What are those?

Feelings of unworthiness, self doubt, self sabotaging, not putting yourself anywhere on your priority list, being okay to be disregarded, worry, stress, anxiety, what ifs, but-could have-should have-s - sounds familiar? Constantly looking for that one thing that may go wrong, constantly harping about that one coaster out of place, not listening to your body and mind, pushing yourself because something needs to be done and somehow you’re the only one to do so, not resting enough, not being awake enough, being afraid of the unknown, operating from a state of fear, worried about the next pay check, worried about eating too much and ‘now you’re gonna have to burn it all up’, worried about appearances, worried about not liked, worried worried worried worried…

Remember that excitement that we used to wake up with when we were going to show off our new shoes or school bag to our friends? Remember that feeling? Everyday was fun. Remember your dreams? Of wanting to be more, to do more - but not for others; for you. Where did it all go? How did it all get so buried under all the muck we are forced to think - to compare, to be a certain beauty standard, to be a certain income level? She/he didn’t call - they don’t like me. I didn’t get a call back from this audition/interview - I must have sucked. They rejected my work - I need to get better. WHY? 

All these feelings are like the mental and emotional garbage that slowly starts affecting our physical bodies and out environment too. Anxiety is linked with acidity and indigestion. Feelings of unworthiness is related to leg issues. Feeling exhausted and overworked is related to back problems. And stress? To addictions, to heart attacks, to amnesias, to every bad thing under the sun. This is what that unseen garbage is like. 

So what’s the hygienic ritual for this? Shifting your perspective and perception of you and others. TO be confident enough to know that others’ world doesn’t revolve around you and if they didn’t stop and talk, then it’s not you. To be confident enough to know that if someone didn’t like you or your work then that’s because it’s not a match - with nothing being wrong with either of you. They didn’t call you? Their loss. They rejected your work? They are not ready for you. Your faith and belief in yourself. Your being in such a high vibrational state that there is no space for hatred or worry in your life - only gratitude and happiness. 

Because we know that our Journey is the destination. 

Take a look at you going for a much anticipated party. You keep thinking that the party is the place, where you’ll have fun. But the preparations for it start weeks in advance. What you’re gonna wear, talking to friends about it, shopping, spa days, manicures, pedicures, sorting out work and house help for those few hours of party. Then you do go to the party and that party is over in three hours; tops. You think that only the three hours of party is what you have to look forward to. But no. It’s the small things that make it fun. The tying on the new dresses, the plans, the getting there. The 99% of the entire experience, but you’ve been conditioned to focus on the remaining 1% and so you only enjoy the 1%. And if the days and the preparations leading upto the party were anything less, then your entire mood for the party gets disrupted. Imagine if you actually paid attention to and enjoyed the rest with as much fervour too? How much more fun this entire thing could have been…

This is also what mindfulness feels like. And it all starts with culling away the garbage and the clutter from your thoughts and emotions. Our manifestations, many times, take longer because of this clutter. Because until you let go of all that holding you back, the universe cannot make it happen.. 

You attract who and what you are - and you are your body, thoughts, and emotions. Sculpt yourself into this desired you - because only you can do that. It is all in your hands.

Stay in gratitude, my friend.

Wishing you love, fun, and sun.

#mentalandemotionalrelease #letitgo #believe


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