What we offer

Hello Everyone,

Here's what all we work with, and how we can help you.


I am a Reiki Grandmaster, Magnified Healer, Karuna Master, Womb healer, Nusta Karpay healer, Soul Power Energy Master Healer, and a Shamanic practitioner on my path to receiving all MunayKi rites.


- healing for any physical issues
- mental and issues issues
- energy accupuncture 
- relaxation
- womb healing
- distance shamanic journeys
- situation healing
- relationship healing (Please note that for a relationship healing, I will need permission from both the parties involved. Please do not ask for healing to bring a specific person back to you or get someone attracted to you. We do not work that way.)
- professional blocks removal
- healing from a break up/separation/moving on
- the list is indeed endless. Talk to us and we will figure out the best way forward.

I use a mix of all healing modalities depending on what you require. 
Disclaimer: we do not know and we cannot tell how long it will take or how many sessions it will take. This is the case with anything and everything. It completely depends on your body, energies and how you react to healing. 

Currently, I am offering distance healing ONLY.

Tarot Reading

I’ve been reading tarot since 2004 and I absolutely love this modality. The way spirit and our guides communicate to us, their messages, what we need to hear VS what we want to hear - all of it comes to a breathtaking reading with tarot cards. I read with multiple cards, charges vary for various readings. Tarot readings are also extremely useful for knowing your own self, moving beyond what you think about yourself and your conditions. That’s how my tarot readings differ. While giving you a reading, in addition to focusing on your current energies, my focus will always be on your long term benefits. 

Readings offered are:

- One Question reading* 
- Three Question reading* 
- Detailed reading covering whatever your guides need me to cover / whatever you want to know about.
- Life Path and Destiny reading - this includes a beautiful amalgamation of your numerology, date of birth, and tarot. It gives a deep insight on how you’re programmed from your soul level, what will work for you and what won’t, what are the things that need your attention at this juncture of your life, what do you need to focus on going forward. 

* It is not a one or three card reading. It is the number of your questions. We might get answers to your questions from one or multiple cards. 

I am conducting session over a call/video call. 

Spiritual Mentoring - ALCHEMY

7 steps to complete self transformation based on the ancient Alchemy formula. Talk to us to find out more!


We are now offering:
- Reiki Level 1&2
- Reiki Master Level
- Tarot Basics
- Intuitive Tarot Reading

Please contact us for more details.


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